300+ of the Best Clever, Funny, and Cute Names for Chickens

Black copper marans chicken looking at the camera with other chickens in the background

If you have recently acquired new chickens that need names, boy have I got a list of awesome chicken name ideas for you!

Whether you want fun or funny, Disney names or pun names or even food-related names, I have great collection of chicken names ranging from classics to cute punny names. Whatever your style, there are lots of great chicken name options to make you smile!

Below is my ongoing list of more than 300 clever chicken names that will be sure to make you smile or laugh.

Give these chicken names a read - I'm sure the perfect name will be waiting for you here.

If you have a pretty roo that needs a name, never fear! I have quite a sizable list of names perfect for roosters, too!

Finding the perfect chicken name will surely make your feathered friends happy! 

If you have a clever name idea and don't see it on the list, leave me a comment! I'm always on the lookout for more great chicken names.

This article was written by an actual human. Carissa B is an Award-Winning  DIY & Green Lifestyle Writer that lives in the USA
Robots are great at a lot of things - but not writing useful chicken keeping articles. This article was written by an actual human who is a chicken expert with many years of experience doing hands-on chicken keeping - not by AI, ChatGPT or any other kind of robot.
Carissa Burk - a woman in her late 30's with purple and silver hair holding a buff orpington chicken
Carissa is the author of the book Proven Techniques for Keeping Healthy Chickens

Proven Techniques for Keeping Healthy Chickens is one of the best books on the market for beginning chicken keepers. It has 101 short and easy-to-read sections talking about everything from raising baby chicks to fermenting feed, deep litter method and more.

Buy it online from Amazon or get a signed copy here.

You can also find it in most Tractor Supply stores nationwide.

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More Than 300 Clever, Fun, Funny and Punny Chicken Name Ideas for both Hens and Roosters

300+ Clever & Funny chicken name ideas

Table of contents:

  1. Best Chicken Names that Start With or Include "Hen"
  2. Chicken Names Inspired by Celebrities
  3. Funny Chicken Names That Are Just Silly
  4. Star Wars-Inspired Chicken Names
  5. Harry Potter-Inspired Names
  6. Lord of the Rings Inspired Names
  7. Other Movie or Book Inspired Names for Chickens
  8. Best Names for Roosters
  9. First name chicken, last name …
  10. First name ____, last name Chicken
  11. Herbs and Spices
  12. Other Punny Food Names
  13. Color or Breed Specific Names
buff orpington hen clearing dead plants in a garden

Best Chicken Names that Start With or Include "Hen"

Some of the best chicken names start with or include the word "Hen." 

Any of these would be a perfect name for just about any hen or pullet. A lot of these are classic names but some are punny chicken names that play off of common human names, celebrity names or even characters from TV or movies!
  • Abra-Hen Lincoln
  • Amy HenHouse
  • Audrey Hen-burn
  • Britt-Hen-y Spears
  • Bruce Henner
  • Dolly Part-Hen
  • Ernest Hen-ningway
  • Goldie Hen
  • Hen Stefani
  • Hen-able Peckter
  • Hen-daya
  • Henevieve
  • Hen-gelina JoLee
  • Hennifer
    I think it would be hilarious to have a whole flock full of Hennifers with different last names
    • Hennifer Anniston
    • Hennifer Garner
    • Hennifer Hudson
    • Hennifer Lawrence
    • Hennifer Lopez
    • Hennier Love Hewitt
  • Henny
    Girl version and boy version
    • Henny from the Block
    • Henny Penny
    • Henny Kravitz
  • Henrietta
  • Hen-rique Egglesias
  • Hen Solo
  • Jimmy Hen-drix
  • Kamala Hen-Ris
  • Kylo-Hen
  • Lindsey LoHen
  • Liza Hen-eli
  • Obi Hen Kenobi
  • Obi-One Hen-obi
  • Oprah Hen-frey
  • Pamela Hen-derson
  • Ruth Bader Hen-sburg
  • Scarlett Jo-Hen-Sen
  • Scarlett O'Hen-ra
  • Sophia LorHen
hen looking at camera

Chicken Names Inspired by Celebrities

Some of my favorite chicken names are inspired by famous people! Celebrity names are a great starting point for making punny names when you swap out chicken words for portions of similar names.

With almost 80 chicken names inspired by celebrities, you have many options to choose one that matches the personality of your chicken.
  • Abra-Hen Lincoln
  • Albert Egg-Stein
  • Amelia Egghart
  • Anderson Cooper
  • Angelina JoPeep
  • Annie Yolkley
  • Atilla the Hen
  • Audrey Henburn
  • Beak Lively
  • Ben Allflock
  • Benedict Featherbatch
  • Bradley Cooper
  • Brit-hen-y Spears
  • Bruce Henner
  • Cardi Beak
  • Chick-eel O’Neil
  • Chicky Minaj
  • Chick Jagger
  • Chick-kira
  • Chick-olas Cage
  • Chick-ole Kidman
  • Chickopatra
  • Chickovsky
  • Chicktina Eggulara
  • Cluck Norris
  • Dolly Part Hen
  • Dwayne the cock-a-doodle-doo Johnson
  • Egg Sheeran
  • Eggbert Einstein
  • Egginem
  • Eggy Azalea
  • Elvis Pecks-ley
  • Feather Locklear
  • Garth Bawks
  • Gloria Eggs-tefan
  • Goldie Hen
  • Gweneth Poultry
  • Heidi Plume
  • Helena Bonham-Clucker
  • Hen Stefani
  • Hen-gelina JoLee
  • Hennifer Anniston
  • Hennifer Garner
swedish flower hen in a chicken coop
  • Hennifer Lawrence
  • Hennifer Lopez
  • Hilary Fluff
  • Jimmy Hendrix
  • Joan of Bawk
  • Justin Beaker
  • Kamala Hen-Ris
  • Kelly Cluckson
  • Kurt Roosel
  • Lindsey Cluckingham
  • Lindsey LoHen
  • Liza Henneli
  • Margaret Hatcher
  • Martina McBawk
  • Matthew McCluckahey
  • Meryl Cheep
  • Nicholas Caged
  • Oprah Henfrey
  • Pamela Henderson
  • Paul McCluckney
  • Reba Bawkentire
  • Rooody Giuliani
  • Ruth Bader Gins-Bird
  • Ruth Bader Hensburg
  • Sandra Bucawk
  • Sarah McClucklan
  • Scarlett JoHenSen
  • Sheryl Crow
  • Sir Clucks a Lot
  • Sophia LorHen
  • Stephen Bawk-ing
  • Stevie Chicks
  • Tanya Clucker
  • Tyra Beaks
  • Vanna Egg White
  • Vera Wing
  • Yolk-o Ono
photo of baby golden comet chick from the best chicken keeping book, proven techniques for keeping healthy chickens

Funny Chicken Names That Are Just Silly

Some of the best chicken names make you laugh. If you want a funny name that's just plain silly, try one of these:
  • Alarm Clock
  • Chicken McChickenChicken
  • Chirpy McChirpChirp
  • Clucky Cheese
  • Dr. Pecker
  • Fertile Myrtle
  • KFC
  • Mother Clucker
  • Phoenix McFlooferton
  • Squwaky McBawkBawk
  • The Grim Peeper
  • Tyrannosaurus Pecks

Star Wars Inspired Chicken Names

Pop culture is a wonderful place to draw upon to come up with creative chicken names. If you have a Star Wars fan in your home, these are perfect names to use to name your flock:
  • C3-Peep-O
  • Chew-Bawk-Bawk
  • Chew-Bawka
  • Chew-Clucka
  • Cluck-Bacca
  • Darth Layer
  • Hen Solo
  • Jabba the Cluck
  • Kylo-Hen
  • Luke Sky-Bawker
  • Luke Sky-Clucker
  • Millennium Falc-Hen
  • Obi Hen Kenobi
  • Obi-one Henobi
  • Porgy
  • Princess Lay-a
  • Princess lay-a-egg
  • R2-Beak2
boy holding a black copper marans rooster

Harry Potter Themed Chicken Names

Do you have courageous hens in your flock that belong to house Gryffin-doodle-doo? Or maybe an evil rooster who has rightfully earned the moniker Voldercluck?

There is some clever wordplay that happens when you mix Harry Potter names and houses with chickens. Try some of these cute names for your feathered friends:
  • Alarooster Moody
  • Albus Bumblefoot
  • BellaChicks
  • Chick Chang
  • Cluck Chang
  • Cluck-o Malfoy
  • Cluck-shanks
  • Dumble Doodle Doo
  • Egg-spell-iramus
  • Gryffin-doodle-doo
  • Harry Clucken
  • Hengrid
  • Hen-mione
  • Henny Weasley
  • Hermione Free-Ranger
  • Hufflecluck
  • Lee JordHen
  • Molting Myrtle
  • Nearly Featherless Nick
  • Professor McGonafowl
  • Ravencluck
  • Sirius Black (especially for a black rooster)
  • Slyther-Hen
  • Voldercluck - He who shall not be egged

Lord of the Rings Inspired Name Ideas

I think Lord of the Rings themed names may be some of my favorites. I love how fun and whimsical these names are for pet chickens.
  • Ar-Hen
  • Eggolas
  • Eggowin
  • Eggo-mer
  • Gal-Lay-driel
  • Gim-Lay
  • Hen-wise Gamgee
  • Henathor
  • L’Egg-olas
  • LothLoraHen
  • Merry Brandycluck
  • Precious
  • TheoHen
  • Frodo Fluffins

Other Movie or Book Inspired Names for Chickens

If you want a creative chicken name that still gives a nod to pop culture via movies or books, I've got even more chicken names for you:
50+ Name Ideas for Roosters from www.CreativeGreenLiving.com

Best Names for Roosters

If you have a rooster in your flock, you have so many awesome naming opportunities! Whether your rooster is sweet or spicy, here are nearly 60 awesome rooster names to choose from:
  • Abra-Hen Lincoln
  • Albert Egg-Stein
  • Al Cluck-cino
  • Albus Bumblefoot
  • Alfred Hitchcluck
  • Alarm Clock
  • Anderson Cooper
  • Ben Allflock
  • Benedict Featherbatch
  • Beak-Tohven
  • Birdy Sanders
  • Bradley Cooper
  • Brewster the Rooster
  • Bruce Hen-ner
  • Captain Peckhard
  • Chanticleer
  • Chick Jagger
  • Chick-eel O’Neil
  • Chick-olas Cage
  • Cluck Norris
  • Cluckleberry Finn
  • Colonel Sanders
  • Count Cluckula
  • David Beakham
  • David Crowie
  • Dr. Pecker
  • Dwayne the cock-a-doodle-doo Johnson
  • Edgar Allen Crow
  • Egg Sheeran
  • Eggbert Einstein
  • Egg-dar Allen Poe
  • Elvis Pecks-ley
  • Ernest Henningway
  • Foghorn (Leghorn)
  • Garth Bawks
  • Henrique Egglesias
  • Hei-Hei
  • Jimmy Hen-drix
  • Justin Beaker
  • Kurt Roo-sel
  • Larry Bird
  • Matthew McCluckahey
  • Motley Roo
  • Mr. Feathers
  • Nicholas Caged
  • Pablo Nest-obar
  • Paul McCluckney
  • Professer McWattles
  • Roo-Paul
  • Rooody Giuliani
  • Sir Clucks-a-lot
  • Stephen Bawk-ing
  • Teddy Crowsavelt
  • Walker Texas Rooster
Gold laced wyandotte hen with baby chickens - excerpt from the bestselling book: Proven Techniques for Keeping Healthy Chickens by Carissa Bonham

First name chicken, last name …

I love the idea of having an entire flock where each of their names is "Chicken" but they each have different last names. Chicken Nugget, Chicken Soup, Chicken Noodle...you get the idea!

You could also just name them what I have listed as their last names here...Alfredo, Noodle, Nugget, etc. Then you can say things like "This is my chicken, Nugget!"
  • (Chicken) Alfredo
  • (Chicken) Biscuit
  • (Chicken) Burger
  • (Chicken) Burrito
  • (Chicken) Cacciatore
  • (Chicken) Cordon Bleu
  • (Chicken) Curry
  • (Chicken) Drumstick
  • (Chicken) Dumpling
  • (Chicken) Enchilada
  • (Chicken) Fajita
  • (Chicken) Fettucini
  • (Chicken) Florentine
  • (Chicken) Fritter
  • (Chicken) Kabob
  • (Chicken) Marinara
  • (Chicken) Marsala
  • (Chicken) Nugget
  • (Chicken) Noodle
  • (Chicken) Parm
  • (Chicken) Piccata
  • (Chicken) Pox
  • (Chicken) Pot Pie
  • (Chicken) Quesadilla
  • (Chicken) Satay
  • (Chicken) Schnitzel
  • (Chicken) Soup
  • (Chicken) Tender
  • (Chicken) Tika Masala
  • (Chicken) Wonton

First name ____, last name Chicken

Similar to the first name / last name schema above, this list of names states a fun first name but then their LAST name is chicken. First name: Kung Pao Last name: Chicken for example.
  • BBQ (Chicken)
  • Crispy (Chicken)
  • General Tso (Chicken)
  • Jerk (Chicken)
  • Kung Pao (Chicken)
  • Orange (Chicken)
  • Popcorn (Chicken)
  • Sesame (Chicken)
  • Sweet n Sour (Chicken)
Chicken in chicken run looking at camera

Herbs and Spices

If you have a dozen chickens, this is a great punny flock theme. Just like how KFC uses 11 herbs and spices, you could name the lead rooster (or hen!) Colonel Sanders and then give the other 11 names of herbs and spices like:
  • Basil
  • Chamomile
  • Cinnamon
  • Dandelion
  • Ginger
  • Juniper
  • Lavender
  • Pepper
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Thyme

Other Punny Food Names

When I was brainstorming chicken names there were still some fun or punny chicken names related to food that didn't match the first name/last name format of the previous sections but they're still worth mentioning!
  • Benedict
  • Chick-Fil-Lay
  • Chick-pea
  • Denver
  • Eggo
  • Eggo Bennedict
  • Florentine
  • Scrambled
  • Sunny Side Up
red laced blue wyandotte from the bestselling book Proven Techniques for Keeping Healthy Chickens by Carissa Bonham

Color or Breed Specific Names

If you are looking for names that play off the color of your chicken's feathers or their breed, here are some names that might work for you:

Black Chicken Name Ideas

  • Blackie Chan
  • Darkwing Cluck
  • Midnight
  • Shadow
  • Sirius (Black)
  • Starfall
  • Twilight

Buff or Blonde Colored Chicken Name Ideas

  • Biscuit
  • Buffy
  • Butternut
  • Sandy

Dark Brown Chicken Name Ideas

  • Brownie
  • Cadbury
  • Espresso
  • Godiva
  • Hershey

Red-Brown Chicken Name Ideas

  • Apple
  • Cinnamon
  • Penny
  • Red
  • Scarlett
  • Sunset

Grey /Lavender /Silver Chicken Name Ideas

  • Earl (Grey)
  • Golden Girls' Names
    • Blanche
    • Dorothy
    • Rose
    • Sophia
  • Lavender
  • Moonbeam
  • Nimbus

White Chicken Name Ideas

  • Betty (White)
  • Moonbeam
  • Snow (White)
  • Starlight
  • Vanna (White)

Americana /Easter Egger /Color Pack Chicken Breed Name Ideas

Americanas are a mixed-breed chicken bred to lay a colored egg (not to be confused with Ameraucana - which is a different true breed). Americana chickens are also known as "Easter Eggers" or Color Pack. Eggs from these breeds can be any color from pink to blue to green or varying shades of brown.
  • Bunny (like Easter Bunny)
  • Jellybean
  • Rainbow
  • Sprite (like Rainbow Brite's Sprites)

Barred Rock/ Plymouth Rock Chicken Breed Name Ideas

Barred Rock and Plymouth Rock chickens are black and white chickens whose feathers appear striped or "barred."
  • Bar-bara
  • Cookies n Cream
  • Orca
  • Oreo
  • Petra (Greek for Rock)
  • Rocky
  • Roseanne Barred Rock
  • Zebra

Golden Comet / Cinnamon Queen /Gold Sex Link Chicken Breed Name Ideas

Gold Sex Link chickens are bred from a Rhode Island Red rooster and a Rhode Island White Hen. Other common names for this sex-linked faux-breed include Golden Comet and Cinnamon Queen.
  • Cinnamon
  • Comet
  • Goldie
  • Goldie Hen
  • Haley (like Haley's Comet)
  • Marigold
  • Queenie

Leghorn Chicken Breed Name Ideas

While leghorns can come in all colors including brown, buff and mottled, leghorns are most commonly white. In addition to their (usually) white feathers, they are prolific layers of white eggs.
  • Betty White
  • Foghorn (Leghorn)
  • Foggy
  • Moonbeam
  • Snow (White)
  • Starlight
  • Vanna (White)

Wyandotte Chicken Breed Name Ideas

These names play off the Wyandotte name (pronounced like "Wyan" (rhymes with Ryan) + "Dot") or names with the word lace in them. This is because Wyandotte breeds are listed with a lace color such as "blue laced red Wyandotte" or "silver laced Wyandotte."
  • Ada Lovelace
  • Dotty
  • Goldie (for gold laced wyandottes)
  • Lacey 
  • Wynonna

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I hope you found some good chicken names to use for member of your backyard flock!

If you loved this collection of chicken names, be sure to save it on Pinterest.

300+ Name Ideas for Backyard Chickens from Creative Green Living

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About the Author:

Carissa B is the owner and lead writer at Creative Green Living as well as the author of the bestselling chicken keeping guidebook: Proven Techniques for Keeping Healthy Chickens. She has won multiple awards including the ShiftCon Media "Best Green Lifestyle Blogger" award in 2019.

Follow her on TikTokPinterestInstagramor join the Creative Green Living Community Group on Facebook.
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