Farm Girl Apron Tutorial from Recycled Jeans
Page 5

(looking for the beginning of the tutorial? Click here)

Step 5: Assemble the Bottom of the Apron
Lay your waist ties on top of the jean front as pictured. The raw edges of the ties should extend slightly beyond the raw edge of the jeans. Fold the rest of the waist ties in and safety pin in the place so they don't get tangled while you are working.

Line up the short, top stitched ends of the ruffle with the top of the waist band. Line up the raw edges of the ruffle and the raw edges of the jean front all the way around, pinning in place as shown.

Set your machine to a medium length straight stitch and slowly stitch all the way around the edge. Be very careful to not stitch over any of your pins. Go over the top edges where the waist ties are twice for added security.

Open up the ruffle and press.

We're halfway there! You're doing great!

Tired of clicking?  Click here to download this pattern as a PDF -- use code CGLREADERSROCK to get it for 50% off!


  1. How do you finish the back so that the edges of the ruffle don't fray?

    1. I have left the inside edges as-is and haven't had fraying issues - probably because I wash aprons much less than regular clothing.

      If fraying is a concern, when you complete step 4, sew the edge with right sides together and then turn right-sides-out and press before ruffling.


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