This download is designed to be used with the Home State Art Block Tutorial. Click here to go to the tutorial instructions.

LEGAL NOTICE: Permission is granted to users (that would be you, dear reader) for unlimited personal, non-commercial use of these files. Please do not sell products made using my free templates. It's not legal and it's just not nice.
If you have any difficulty getting the files to download, or if you have suggestions for better ways to manage free downloads, I would love to hear them!
If you have any difficulty getting the files to download, or if you have suggestions for better ways to manage free downloads, I would love to hear them!
Sample of Template:
If you live in a different state than Oregon:
Do a Google image search for "(state name) silhouette"
and download the image of your state.
You will then need to import the image to a image or word processing program: resize it to be an appropriate size and print it as a mirror image onto freezer paper.
You will then swap out your state's image for the image of Oregon.
Too hard? Use the heart shape instead!
Please note, I am unable to provide technical support for this process.
If you need technical support, try asking that one tech savvy friend you have.