Farm Girl Apron Tutorial from Recycled Jeans
Page 6

(looking for the beginning of the tutorial? Click here)

Step 6: Cut Out Apron Top
Cut one leg from the jeans. Cut down the length of one of the leg seams and open it up flat on your work surface with the bottom hem from the jean leg facing up. 

Lay the bottom of the apron you already assembled on top of the leg. Line up the remaining leg seam with the fly from the apron bottom.

Slide the apron bottom down until the top part exposed is the right length for you. The apron shown in the pictures was made in a size medium petite and I made the top about 10.5 inches long. If needed, you could tie the apron bottom around your waist and measure from the waistline up to where you'd like the apron to begin in order to determine the right length for you.

Once you've determined how long the top needs to be, draw a gentle curved line in and straight up. I just eyeballed mine. To keep the sides symmetrical, just draw on one, fold in half and then cut both sides out together. Leave about 3 inches straight down on each side and cut across.

Step 7: Make & Attach Top Straps
Make the 1 inch strips you cut earlier into 1/4 inch double fold non-bias tape following this tutorial.

Once the bias tape is made, open it up and line the edge up to the raw edge of the top. Pin it in place like so (but keep going up the entire right side). Then, using a medium straight stitch, stitch in the fold (shown by the dotted red line).

Once you're done, fold the bias tape over to the other side and use a short straight stitch to go all the way up the side. Keep going after the top of the apron to stitch the bias tape together to make the neck ties.

Repeat for the other side.

Tired of clicking?  Click here to download this pattern as a PDF -- use promo code CGLREADERSROCK to get it for 50% off!


  1. I want to make the trim using pieces from my scrap fabric box. You state how wide each piece should be, but since I'm cutting from irregulars, could you tell me the lenght also? Thanks

    1. I used fabric that was approximately 45" wide on the bolt.


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