Farm Girl Apron Tutorial from Recycled Jeans
Page 3

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Step 1: Cut Front of Jeans
Cut out the front of the jeans by cutting along the side seams and across the the front as shown by the yellow line. You'll be left with a piece that looks a bit like shorts.

Next, we'll clean it up a bit by folding it in half and cutting along the yellow line starting at the bottom of the crotch seam.

This is what your piece should look like. Go ahead and set it aside.

(would you rather have this pattern as professionally illustrated printable PDF? Click here to download it now - use promo code CGLREADERSROCK to get it for 50% off!)

1 comment

  1. This is the cutest apron!! What a clever idea...always looking for something to do with old jeans that don't fit anymore!


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